Thursday, May 30, 2013

Day 3 - Who? What? Where? Why? How?

Class Time

1.) I have Communications (Com100) and Yoga

2.) The assignment i have been assigned is to write a paragraph(7-9 lines) about a professional, persuasive, or influential conversation i have had with someone. I have not yet completed it because i need to get a password for my Gateway ID.

3.) I am excited about my classes because in communications, I'll develop the skills to better involve myself in a conversation. Or to speak in public and getting my point across without hesitation because i would learn to understand my weaknesses of public speaking and deal with them.

Hoop Building

1.) There are 16 people in the Hoop program.
2.) Tristin Martin
     Valeri Ann
     Melissa Charley
     Anna Wise
     Michelle Youyetewa
     Renee Tsosie
     Chaunine Youyetewa
     Tanyka Begaye

Day 2 - Getting Acclimated


Nic Sheff, the author of the novel Tweak, had grown up in a struggling life. The first time he had gotten drunk was at the age of eleven. Which led to smoking pot regularly, then to cocaine and Ecstacy, and later became addicted to Crystal Meth. In the story Tweak, he tells of the story of his addiction, relapse and recovery from drugs.


1. Relaxation

2. Strength

3. Flexibility

4. Posture

5. Breathing

I Feel taking yoga will be worth it further in life for us. When we begin working and need a way to relieve stress and to relax, then this will be very beneficial! So I would like to learn different yoga positions to feel a release of negative energy from the long days.

Hoop Building

Best impression would have to be with Raoul, because I told him to do an Obama one. It was Hilarious!!!!!!

Best singer was Anna! Her voice sounded pretty good even though she was messing around!!

Even though she wasn't my partner, she had the best line, Valeri!

Ashley had the most interesting question : "Have you ever pooped in your pants before?" I find it interesting because it was RANDOM. I wonder what runs through her head on a day to day basis... Hmm.... And she wasn't my partner so I didn't have an answer.

Graduation Project

I enjoy socializing and having fun!!!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Day 1 - Introductions


Prestigious- inspiring respect and admiration; having high status.
IncoherentUnable to speak intelligibly.
SemblanceThe outward appearance or apparent form of something
OminousGiving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen.
SeldomNot often; rarely.
Insatiable- Impossible to satisfy: "an insatiable hunger".

In the novel "Tweak" by Nic Sheff, I found just by the first chapter that his story of thinking drugs are fine starts at a young age. Basically, one drug led to another, then his whole life began to go down hill. When he was being involved with drugs and alcohol. His family life wasn't the same, so he went to rehab. Later down the road when the love of his life didn't want him, he relapsed into drugs again. But this time it was the abuse of Meth.


Hoop of Learning - Day 1

1.) I learned on the first day of the Hoop program that Chenoa, and Tanyka are both Ashley's neices. Raul, Brittney, Aaliyah, and i are the only students in the program from last summer hoop program.

2.) I liked the diversity in the hoop group this year. There are people from different hoop programs that chose ours!

3.) I wish everyone would have been more open and social. But then again, it was the first day!